Department Champion
Department Champion: Eden Wood, Post 437, District 10
Department Runner-Up Champion
Department Runner-Up Champion: Madeline Phuong, Post 296, District 4
Department Runner-Up Champion
Department Runner-Up Champion: Morgan Gulley, Post 33, District 9
Department Runner-Up Champion
Department Runner-Up Champion: Knox Boyd, Post 38, District 2
The Indiana Legion Oratorical Competition hosted by The Indiana American Legion Legacy Foundation had four strong competitors last Sunday, Mar. 13, 2022. The competition was held in the newly renovated American Legion National NEC room located in Downtown Indianapolis.
Knox Boyd, Morgan Gulley, Madeline Phuong, and Eden Wood delivered prepared and unprepared speeches based on the U.S. Constitution.
Eden Wood of Muncie, Ind. now moves on to the National Oratorical Competition held in April for the chance to win $25,000.
Thank you to our guest judges for your time and commitment to The American Legion, Department of Indiana, and youth.
Front row, left to right, following Madame President Dzieglowicz: Kathryn Lerch, Dan Buska, Linda Gilman, Chris Gullion, Billy Johnson.
Volunteers needed!
The American Legion National oratorical competition held in Indianapolis needs volunteers. If you are interested and available Saturday, April 23, 2022, or Sunday, April 24, 2022, get more details and apply at: